21 October, 2007

Hey, hey, hey...


It's been a month since I've updated, congratulations to me for sucking at being a blogger.

I know no one really reads this thing, considering I don't post regularly, and I don't advertise the link everywhere I go, but in case anyone does try to keep up with me, I'm sorry I haven't filled you in, in like a year!

Anyway, things are well here in middle America. The work week passes reasonably fast, and the weekends pass by in the blink of an eye. Never seems quite fair. No one ever left comments about my story on CoSForums and MugglenetFanFic rejected the fic because of grammatical errors in punctuation. Blah...even after college level grammar it doesn't stink in, doubt it truly will. Anyway I got a beta so hopefully this time it will get through the queue. I hope. All I want is a little HP fanfic reader love...is that so wrong?

Hah. Laa dee daa, Dumbledore is gay? Had you heard? I had, and so have a couple thousand plus others. It appears that a reasonable few have issues with this news. Unfortunately, for those of us who have no issue whatsoever, the ones who are pissed love to share their opinions frequently. I don't know. I mean, I guess, if your own moral convictions tell you that you must hate all those different or opposite from yourself... Maybe we should all just feel sorry for you for being so ignorant.

The thing that really gets me about all of this, is who ever gave all of you the right to be the authority on the matter. It seems strange to me that people can be so close minded, so intolerant, so ignorant. Frankly, I'm not surprised at the reaction. I'm not blind to the fact that I live in a country burdened with close-minded bigots. I guess, it just surprises me that in this day and age we haven't moved passed discrimination such as this.

Today, while perusing on Mugglenet I found the following two statements.

Posted by Holly09: "I'm just so confused right now...I've always thought of Dumbledore one way, and now this, I just don't know what to think. Throughout my life I have been taught and do believe that homosexuality is wrong. Men are supposed to be with woman--two people of the same gender are not supposed to be together. That is one of the idea that I have accepted. Now, this. I have always looked up to Dumbledore, I mean, he was the greatest wizard ever. He taught me so much. I will never forget, "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." In book 7 we learned that Dumbledore was not a saint, he had some rough times in his life and always regretted his actions when it came to his sister. However, all of this made me like him even more. He was not perfect. Now I learn that my hero felt a way that I believe is morally wrong. I am a more open person than I used to be because of Harry Potter, but this still feels wrong to me. There was no hint to this whatsoever in the books--I am a die hard Harry Potter fan, this has been my life for 7 years. Now what? I feel betrayed. I don't hate gay people, I just disagree with your way of life. I guess I will just have to go on with my life pretending I didn' t read this and continue to see Dumbledore the way I always have--a hero."

Posted by tnjetfan: "Holly09....so because Dumbledore is gay, he can't be a hero? There seems to be a great amount of hypocrisy from those using religion as a basis for hating homosexuals. Being raised Catholic, I read the Bible, and found that Jesus preached a message of tolerance of all people, and to be accepting of other cultures and lifestyles. Yes, there are parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality as a sin, but these have to be taken with a grain of salt. The Bible also says that the Earth is flat and built upon pillars of stone, and that the edges are guarded by sea monsters. It is also said that if a woman disobeys her husband, he has the right to stone her. You can't just pick and choose what parts of the Bible you're going to apply to life and which ones you're just going to brush off as old fashioned. Dumbledore is just as great a man as he was before this announcement. What if one of your future children is gay? Will you love them less? Dumbledore is a great man throughout the books, and he will always remain that way in my mind."

I don't claim to be a good Christian, or a regularly practicing one. But, from my understanding we are put on this earth to bring glory to God. I don't necessarily practice this, or fully believe in it. That is to say, my personal opinion of what brings glory to God differs greatly from what I was raised to believe through the Church. What I do believe is this. God, granted us a wondrous favor in creating us to be free thinkers, full of separate  and amazing individuality. It may be our mission in this world to bring glory to our creator but there is a difference in glory and prejudice. In my view, bringing glory to God comes from creating beautiful things and sharing our creations and ourselves with those around us. Accepting each other for our differences and working together to create a more peaceful and wonderful world. Others, it seems, find that the only way they can bring glory is by shoving 'Gods' message down other people throats and by judging other peoples lifestyles instead of focusing on their own. It is not our place to judge anyone. As far as I understand it, the task of judgement lies in only one individuals hands. And that, ladies and gentleman is NOT ours.

Anyway, sorry if I am rambling. And frankly, I'm not sorry if I have upset you. If you disagree, I should probably mention, I DON'T CARE! So, if you are going to attempt to change my mind and alter my views and beliefs, move along to another blog. Godspeed J.K. Rowling. Godspeed Albus Dumbledore. This information doesn't change my mind about the series I love so much. If anything it has strengthened my respect and resolve for this woman and this story.

Peace | k